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Hamburg Food Guide (2024): Unveiling the Gastronomic Delights of the City

Are you planning a culinary tour through Hamburg, Germany, and asking yourself, "where to eat in Hamburg?" or “What to eat in Hamburg?” Well, we have you covered! In this comprehensive Hamburg food guide, we will take you on a delicious journey through the best food in Hamburg, from traditional dishes to innovative creations, and from local street food to high-end dining. So, if you're ready to eat Hamburg, read on.


An assortment of traditional Hamburg food at the Oberhafen Kantine.

The Allure of Hamburg Food

Hamburg's food scene is as diverse and vibrant as the city itself. From fresh seafood to unique German fare to international cuisine and avant-garde gastronomic experiences, the city offers a wide range of culinary delights that cater to every palate and budget. It is no wonder that Hamburg is often considered a foodie paradise.

What makes Hamburg special however, are the unique German staple dishes that most people do not think of when they hear Germany. We are here to help you explore some of the best foods to eat in Hamburg and Northern Germany.


Take a look at our adventure turing the best food in Hamburg!

Must Eat Food in Hamburg: Traditional Northern German Food

As part of our Hamburg food guide, let's take a closer look at some of the city's (and Northern Germany’s) most iconic dishes and beverages. These local favorites reflect the city's rich culinary heritage and its close connection to the sea, as well as its penchant for hearty, comforting flavors.


Inside the Brücke 10 restaurant with Fischbrötchen.


Fischbrötchen is a simple yet delectable staple of Hamburg's street food scene. Essentially a fish sandwich, it typically features a variety of fresh, locally sourced fish – such as herring, mackerel, or salmon – served in a crispy roll with onions, pickles, and a remoulade sauce. It's a must-try for anyone visiting Hamburg, especially at the bustling Landungsbrücken. Brücke 10, as we’ve recommended below, is certainly the best place to order this dish.


Finkenwerder Scholle

Named after the Finkenwerder district in Hamburg, this dish is a tribute to the city's maritime heritage. It features pan-fried plaice (a type of flatfish), traditionally cooked with bacon, onions, and served with potatoes. The fish is sourced from the North Sea, ensuring a fresh, oceanic flavor that's distinctive to the region.


Labskaus with two eggs on top and a pickle underneath.


Labskaus is a classic sailor's dish that's deeply ingrained in Hamburg's culinary history. It's a hearty concoction of corned beef, potatoes, and beetroot, all mashed together and typically topped with a fried egg and pickled herring or rollmops. It might seem unusual, but this unique blend of flavors and textures is surprisingly delicious.



Grünkohl, or kale, is a beloved winter dish in Hamburg. Slow-cooked with onions, fatback, and a variety of sausages, it's a comforting, hearty dish perfect for the colder months. Often enjoyed with a side of boiled potatoes and mustard, Grünkohl is a true embodiment of traditional German home cooking.



Aalsuppe is a traditional soup from Hamburg. Despite its name, which translates to 'eel soup,' it doesn't always contain eel. This hearty soup is made from a variety of vegetables, herbs, and sometimes includes fruits like prunes or dried pears for a hint of sweetness. It's a versatile dish that represents the resourcefulness of Hamburg's culinary tradition.

Rote Grütze

For dessert, Rote Grütze is a beloved treat in Hamburg. This red fruit pudding is made with a mix of berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and redcurrants. Served with a dollop of vanilla sauce or ice cream, it's a refreshing and sweet way to end a meal.


Franzbrötchen pastries at the Kleine Konditorei in Hamburg.


Franzbrötchen is a quintessential Hamburg pastry. Similar to a cinnamon roll, it's made with sweet, flaky dough that's filled with cinnamon and sugar, then baked to perfection. Enjoy it with a cup of freshly roasted coffee for a classic Hamburg breakfast or afternoon snack.

Curious what a traditional German breakfast looks like? Check out all of the different items Germany typically eats every morning here!


Freshly Roasted Coffee

Hamburg has a rich coffee culture, with many coffee roasters sourcing beans from around the world to produce their unique blends. The city's coffee houses serve a variety of brews, from strong espressos to smooth lattes. Enjoy a cup alongside your Franzbrötchen for a true taste of Hamburg's café culture.



Although Currywurst originated in Berlin, this popular German fast food dish has found a home in Hamburg. It features a pork sausage that's steamed, then fried, and served sliced with a generous helping of curry ketchup. Typically accompanied by fries, it's a flavorful, satisfying snack that's beloved by locals and visitors alike.

Birnen, Bohnen und Speck

This dish, whose name translates to "pears, beans, and bacon," is a traditional North German dish that is popular in Hamburg, especially during the late summer when the beans are fresh. It's a flavorful and hearty stew that combines sweet pears, savory bacon, and fresh green beans. The dish is often enjoyed with a side of boiled potatoes, offering a perfect balance of flavors.


Inside the Brücke 10 restaurant with Nordseekrabben.


Nordseekrabben, or North Sea shrimps, are a cherished culinary delight in Hamburg and throughout Northern Germany. Sourced from the frigid waters of the North Sea, these small shrimps are renowned for their sweet, subtly briny flavor that distinguishes them from other shrimp varieties. A fixture of Northern German gastronomy, they are traditionally boiled on the fishing boat itself shortly after being caught, preserving their unique taste.


Hamburger Pannfisch

Hamburger Pannfisch is a classic Hamburg dish that makes good use of leftover fish and potatoes. The fish (usually a white variety) and potatoes are pan-fried with onions until golden, then served with a tangy mustard sauce. It's a testament to Hamburg's resourcefulness and its love for simple, flavorful dishes.



In Hamburg, Alsterwasser refers to a popular, refreshing beverage that's named after the city's Alster river. It's a shandy-style drink made by mixing equal parts of beer and lemon soda. Light, fizzy, and slightly sweet, it's a favorite among locals, especially during the warm summer months. This is most commonly called ‘Radler’ in other parts of Germany.


Hamburger Ebbelwoi

Hamburger Ebbelwoi, or Hamburg apple wine, is a local beverage that's worth trying. This cider-like drink is tart and refreshing, often served in traditional German pubs. It's a perfect pairing for many of Hamburg's hearty dishes, offering a contrast to the rich flavors.

Differences between Northern German food and the rest of Germany are bigger than most people realize. If you’re interested, check out the best foods of the Black Forest!


Best Restaurants in Hamburg: Must Visits

Oberhafen Kantine: A Taste of Tradition in Hamburg

Hamburg, with its rich history and vibrant food scene, is home to countless culinary gems. One such gem that stands out in our Hamburg food guide is the iconic Oberhafen Kantine, a restaurant that captures the spirit of Hamburg's culinary heritage like no other.


The Oberhafen Kantine is more than just a restaurant; it's a cultural institution that offers a taste of Hamburg's culinary history. The combination of its traditional menu, historical ambiance, and the charm of its slightly leaning building makes it a must-visit in Hamburg.

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A Historical Landmark

Established in 1925, Oberhafen Kantine is steeped in history. The restaurant is housed in a distinctive building that leans precariously to one side, a testament to its age and endurance. Despite surviving a world war, floods, and the passage of time, the Oberhafen Kantine has retained its unique charm and continues to serve its customers with the same dedication as when it first opened.


The Unique Ambiance

Located in the Oberhafenquartier, an area known for its creative and cultural scene, the Oberhafen Kantine exudes a rustic and authentic atmosphere. The restaurant's interior is as distinctive as its exterior, with its cozy space, wooden tables, and historical photographs adorning the walls, transporting you back in time.

The building leaning to one side certainly creates a unique experience on the inside, leaving you feeling like you’re about to fall over.  

Oberhafen Kantine ‘Klassiker’ for 1 or 2 people. 2 person portion pictured.

Traditional Hamburg Food

Oberhafen Kantine is renowned for its traditional Hamburg food. The menu is a tribute to the city's maritime history, featuring dishes that have been enjoyed by Hamburg's residents for centuries. The eatery's signature dish, Labskaus, is a sailor's meal comprising corned beef, potatoes, and beetroot, topped with a fried egg and herring. Other popular dishes include Bohnen, Birnen, und Speck, a hearty stew made with beans, pears, and bacon, and Finkenwerder Scholle, a pan-fried plaice dish named after the Finkenwerder district in Hamburg.

When we visited, we couldn’t make up our minds, so we decided to get a sampling of everything (Klassiker)… and we highly recommend getting the same!  Absolutely delicious and a huge variety. If you have only a short time to stay in Hamburg, come here and order this.

To visit the Oberhafen Kantine, be sure to make a reservation here. It is very small and reservations can go far out. We booked our reservation two weeks before our visit.


The restaurant is front and center! The outdoor seating is superb!

Wasserschloss: A Culinary Delight with a View in Hamburg

When it comes to the best restaurants in Hamburg with a view, Wasserschloss certainly earns its place in our Hamburg food guide. Combining gourmet cuisine with a stunning location, it offers a dining experience that's quintessentially Hamburg.


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A Historic Location

The Wasserschloss restaurant is located in the historic Speicherstadt district of Hamburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The restaurant is housed in a picturesque 'water castle' (Wasserschloss) building, a landmark that sits at the confluence of two canals. The building itself is a piece of Hamburg's history, dating back to the 17th century when it served as a residence for the castle's manager.


A Stunning View

One of the highlights of dining at Wasserschloss is the stunning view it offers. The restaurant provides a panoramic vista of the Speicherstadt's red-brick warehouses, the canals, and the modern HafenCity district. Whether you choose to dine in the elegant interior or on the outdoor terrace, the view enhances the dining experience, creating a serene and captivating ambiance.


Latte and Rote Grütze at the Wasserschloss restaurant.

Exceptional Cuisine

Wasserschloss is not just about its location and view; it's also renowned for its exceptional cuisine. The restaurant offers a menu that combines local ingredients with international flavors, resulting in dishes that are innovative and delicious. You can expect to find a range of dishes from fresh seafood to succulent meats and delectable desserts.

 The restaurant also boasts an impressive wine list, with selections from Germany and around the world, expertly chosen to complement the food. The knowledgeable staff is always on hand to recommend the perfect wine to pair with your meal.

Be sure to also visit their extensive tea shop, you will be sure to find whatever you’re looking for. We went for the Rote Grütze tea to take home and make for a memorable tasty beverage.


Wasserschloss: A Feast for the Senses

With its stunning location, spectacular views, and exquisite cuisine, Wasserschloss offers a dining experience that's a feast for the senses. It's the perfect place for a romantic dinner, a special celebration, or simply a meal that allows you to appreciate Hamburg's beauty while savoring some of the best food in the city.


If you're asking yourself "where to eat in Hamburg," and looking for a restaurant that offers both a memorable meal and a taste of the city's history and beauty, then Wasserschloss should be high on your list. It's not just a restaurant; it's a destination that offers a culinary journey through Hamburg's gastronomic scene, set against the backdrop of the city's stunning architecture and serene waterways. When in Hamburg, a visit to Wasserschloss is a must. It's a culinary experience that's as unforgettable as the city itself.



Brücke 10: The Heart of Hamburg’s Street Food Scene

As part of our comprehensive Hamburg food guide, we cannot overlook the significance of Brücke 10, a unique food spot that captures the very essence of the city's vibrant street food culture.


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A Prime Location

Located right at the heart of Hamburg's bustling port area, Brücke 10, or "Bridge 10," is nestled in the Landungsbrücken, a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Surrounded by the majestic harbor and historic buildings, the restaurant's location is as authentic as it gets. With the Elbe river's salty air wafting around and the city's rhythm resonating, Brücke 10 is truly a slice of the real Hamburg.


An assortment of traditional Northern Germany fish sandwiches.

Quintessential Street Food

When it comes to the best street food in Hamburg, Brücke 10 is a name that instantly comes to mind. The eatery specializes in a local favorite: the Fischbrötchen. This simple yet delicious fish sandwich is a classic representation of Hamburg's maritime heritage. Freshly caught fish such as herring, mackerel, or salmon is served in a crispy roll, accompanied by onions, pickles, and remoulade sauce. Each bite of this humble delicacy is a testament to the city's love for fresh, straightforward, and flavorful food.


Enjoy views of the pier, people, and ships while eating at Brücke 10.

Authentic Atmosphere

Brücke 10 is more than just a place to grab a quick bite; it's an experience. The restaurant's outdoor seating area offers a front-row seat to the hustle and bustle of the harbor, where you can watch ships come and go as you savor your meal. The atmosphere is casual and lively, capturing the spirit of Hamburg's street food scene perfectly.


Fischbrötchen on Left. Nordseekrabben on right. From Brücke 10.

Brücke 10: A Must-Visit in Hamburg

Brücke 10 is an integral part of the Hamburg food scene, offering a chance to experience the city's culinary traditions in their most authentic form. If you're wondering where to eat in Hamburg to truly embrace the local culture, this is the place. Whether you're a seasoned food lover or a curious traveler, a visit to Brücke 10 is sure to be a highlight of your Hamburg eating experience.


So, the next time you're in Hamburg, make sure to stop by Brücke 10. Enjoy a Fischbrötchen while soaking in the harbor views, and you'll understand why this place is a beloved food spot in the city. It's not just about the food; it's about the ambiance, the views, and the feeling of being a part of the vibrant life of Hamburg.

Fun unique interior at Underdocks.

Underdocks: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity in Hamburg’s Food Scene

One cannot truly explore the Hamburg food scene without discussing Underdocks, an innovative restaurant that harmoniously blends tradition with modernity, creating a unique culinary experience.


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A Culinary Adventure

Nestled in the heart of Hamburg's lively Reeperbahn district, Underdocks is not your average seafood restaurant. It takes traditional Hamburg food and gives it a contemporary twist, creating a menu that's both familiar and refreshingly new.

Known for its creative take on seafood, Underdocks offers a variety of dishes that highlight the fresh, local produce of Hamburg. From the classic Fischbrötchen, reimagined with new flavors, to the innovative seafood platters, each dish is a culinary adventure.


One of the many unique, fusion inspired fish sandwiches.

The Underdocks Experience

Underdocks has a distinctive urban charm. The restaurant's modern, edgy decor, complete with a graffiti-covered wall, stands out in stark contrast to the traditional seafood restaurants in the city. The ambiance is relaxed and welcoming, making it a popular spot for a casual meal among locals and tourists.

But it's not just the atmosphere that makes Underdocks stand out - it's the commitment to quality and creativity that shines through in every dish. This dedication has earned Underdocks a loyal following and rave reviews in the Hamburg food blog sphere, making it a must-visit destination for food lovers. 

The Underdocks Philosophy

Underdocks is more than just a restaurant; it's a philosophy. It's about pushing boundaries, embracing innovation, and challenging the status quo. It's about honoring tradition while daring to explore new territories. This philosophy is reflected in every aspect of Underdocks, from its unique menu to its vibrant ambiance, making it a standout in the Hamburg food scene.


Underdocks: Where Tradition Meets Innovation

Whether you're a fan of traditional Hamburg food or a food adventurer seeking something new, Underdocks is the place to go. It's a place where you can savor the best of both worlds: the time-honored flavors of Hamburg and the exciting possibilities of modern cuisine.

So, when you're looking for the best places to eat in Hamburg, make sure to add Underdocks to your list. Experience the fusion of tradition and modernity that makes this restaurant a gem in Hamburg's culinary landscape. It's not just a meal; it's a journey through the past, present, and future of Hamburg's vibrant food scene.

All You Can Eat Restaurants in Hamburg: A Feast for the Senses


As we delve further into our comprehensive Hamburg food guide, it's important to highlight a popular dining trend that's thriving in the city: all you can eat restaurants. Offering a range of cuisines and an endless supply of delicious dishes, these establishments have become a hit for locals and tourists alike.


Sushi Circle

For sushi lovers, Sushi Circle in Hamburg is an all you can eat paradise. Offering a wide variety of sushi and other Japanese delicacies, Sushi Circle delivers a feast of flavors that cater to both traditional and adventurous palates. The restaurant operates with a conveyor belt system, where guests can pick their favorite sushi as it passes by their table, making for a fun and interactive dining experience. Apart from sushi, the menu also includes a variety of salads, soups, and desserts, ensuring a well-rounded meal. With its sleek, modern decor and energetic atmosphere, Sushi Circle guarantees a delightful dining experience in Hamburg.


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Mr. Cherng

Mr. Cherng is a well-loved all you can eat restaurant in Hamburg, famous for its Asian buffet. Offering a vast selection of dishes from various Asian cuisines, including Chinese, Thai, and Japanese, Mr. Cherng is an excellent choice for those who love Asian food or those looking to try something new. The restaurant is particularly popular for its sushi and dim sum options, as well as its noodle and wok dishes. With its modern, clean decor and friendly service, Mr. Cherng provides a delightful dining experience for's diverse culinary scene. They are a testament to Hamburg's love for food and its welcoming spirit, making them a vital part of the city's gastronomic landscape.



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Rodizio Rio

Rodizio Rio brings the flavors and excitement of Brazilian cuisine to Hamburg with its all you can eat churrascaria experience. Diners can savor a range of expertly grilled meats, served by passadores (meat waiters) who carve the succulent cuts directly at the table. The restaurant also features a lavish salad and side dish buffet, offering plenty of options to complement the main attraction. With its vibrant atmosphere and delicious food, Rodizio Rio is a top choice for those seeking a unique and engaging dining experience.


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Down Under

Down Under is an Australian-themed all you can eat restaurant in Hamburg, offering a unique dining experience. Known for its warm, rustic decor and friendly service, Down Under serves a wide range of Australian and international dishes. Diners can expect everything from flavorful grilled meats and seafood to hearty stews and salads, all prepared with fresh, quality ingredients. The restaurant's relaxed, laid-back atmosphere makes it a popular spot for a fun and satisfying meal.



Curious About Northern Germany? It really surprised us! Watch our experience here:

Fast Food in Hamburg: Quick Bites, Big Flavors

Fast food in Hamburg is not just about international chains. The city offers a range of local fast food joints that serve delicious, quick bites. From currywurst and fries to falafel and kebabs, these eateries offer a taste of Hamburg's diverse culinary influences in a casual, on-the-go format.

Hamburg offers a variety of local fast food restaurants that provide quick, tasty meals without the need to resort to international chains. Here are the top five local fast food restaurants in Hamburg:


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Fisch & Co.

Fisch & Co. is a beloved seafood fast food restaurant in Hamburg, known for its fresh, flavorful dishes. Their offerings range from classic Fischbrötchen to seafood salads and fish and chips. Their popularity is a testament to their quality and their commitment to providing fast, fresh seafood dishes.

Fish and chips.


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Curry Grindel

Curry Grindel is renowned for its currywurst - a classic fast food dish in Germany. Their secret-recipe curry sauce adds a unique touch to the already delicious sausage, creating a fast food experience that is both comforting and satisfying.


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Otto's Burger

Otto's Burger is a Hamburg-originated fast food restaurant famous for its gourmet burgers. Using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, Otto's offers a variety of creative burger combinations that cater to a wide range of tastes. Though it's a bit more upscale than your typical fast-food joint, the service is quick, and the burgers are worth every minute of the wait.

There are multiple Otto’s Burger fast food joints in Berlin, the map above is just for one.


Hamburg Food Guide Instagram: Your Digital Culinary Companion

For real-time updates on the best food in Hamburg, the latest restaurant openings, food festivals, and more, make sure to follow the Hamburg Food Guide on Instagram. This digital food guide is an invaluable resource for locals and visitors alike, helping them navigate Hamburg's dynamic and diverse food scene.


Conclusion: The Best Restaurants in Hamburg Await

Whether you're a foodie, a culinary adventurer, or simply someone who enjoys good food, Hamburg has something to offer. This Hamburg food guide aims to help you navigate the city's culinary landscape, from the best street food to the best restaurants in Hamburg. So, the next time you're in Hamburg, Germany, don't just eat – embark on a culinary journey that you'll remember for a lifetime.

This article is just a starting point. The real charm of Hamburg's food scene lies in its diversity and dynamism, with new eateries and food trends constantly emerging. So, keep an open mind, follow your taste buds, and dive into the exciting world of Hamburg food!